Wednesday, September 30, 2020

60th Independence: Nigeria Still A Baby, As No 60 Years Old Man Still Crawls

By Comr. Keneware Emmanuel

  Nigeria a multi ethnic and multi diverse nation. A conglomerate of various tribal and religious group got her independence October 1st 1960 and a full-fledged Republic on October 1st 1963.

It was a golden euphoria celebration at independence ranging from the fact that the British colonial masters were seen as demonic and satanic as a result of their constant conquest, divide and rule policies,  exploitation, oppression, suppression and dehumanization of Nigeria and Nigerians.

 Ironically hitherto, without recounts to much history. Nigeria is now celebrating her 60th independence with series of agony, corruption, embezzlement, misappropriation, inept leadership, bad governance, infrastructural decay, high rate of unemployment, promise and failed politicians, party sentiment and bigotry, religious intolerance and superiority amongst others.


 A man of 60 years is a full grown adult, married with wife (or wives) as the case may be, with children and grandchildren, son-in-laws and daughter-in-inlaws all over. 

 Sometimes regarded as an elder in some communities. Already wearing wrinkles all over his body and getting closer to his grave as a result of the life expectancy level in African today.

 He is a man who has gotten to the peak of his career/profession and probably retirement. He has achieved a lot in his lifetime. Hence, at age 60, he's to enjoy his wealth and work of his hands.

Can Nigeria be likened to that?

 Nigeria @60 could best be regarded as a crawling nation rocked with myriad of problems and issues capable of decapitating and making lives miserable despite her huge resources and wealth endowment.

 What independence is Nigeria actually celebrating?

Is it the high rate of boko haram and herdsmen killing?

Is it the high rate of unemployment that has led to stealing, armed robbery, kidnapping or the advance fee fraud of 'yahoo yahoo boys' all over Nigeria.

Or is it the high level of misappropriation and embezzlement of public fund hereby leading to unquestionable corruption?

  Suffice to state that, Nigeria as a nation is still crawling at 60 years. She's still begging from the international community for food.

It is sardonic and lugubrious to state that economically the Nigeria economic is dwindling day after day.

Politically, the Nigerian political ship is still rocked with bitterness, do or die politicians, ethnic or religious sentiment.

 What could be seen in the political space is a transition from one dispensation/regime to another with little or no different ways of governance irrespective of the political party in power.

 60 Years After.......

Nigeria do not have constant power supply.

Nigerians could not enjoy good housing facilities from the government.

Nigeria could not boost of a good medical/health facilities or hospitals across the 36 States.

  Nigeria is still rocked with paucity of roads as many state capitals still lack good roads. 

 Educationally, Nigeria is still very backward when compared to other nations of the world.

 What a shame!

 Nigeria need to wake up in terms of bad leadership and governance.

 The problem could be sum up as leadership bankruptcy and cabals idiotocracy. 

 At 60, Nigeria and Nigerians ought not to be suffering anymore.

 Nigerians ought to be enjoying constant power supply, good roads, low cost of foods, potable water, peaceful environment rocked with conviviality. 

 Nigeria at 60, is a time of sober reflection from all and sundry. 

 Nigeria must be better for us and we must play the role for her betterment.

Nigeria my country, I weep for thee. But despite my weeping I wish every true Nigerian who mean well for this nation a happy independence celebration.

Long Live the Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

October 1: President Buhari To Address The Nation From Eagle Square Amid Tight Security

 By Creeks News



As part of activities commemorating the 60th Independence Anniversary of the country, President Muhammadu Buhari will address the nation from the Eagle Square,Abuja, Thursday, October 1, 2020.

The live address will commence after the Anniversary Parade beginning at 10am which will be covered by major television and radio stations especially the network services of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria(FRCN).

Please note that in view of the open-air live address, the traditional early morning October 1 Presidential Broadcast will not feature on Thursday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

DSS Appoints 535 Northerners, 93 Southerners In Latest Recruitment Exercise

By Creeks News

The Gazette’s findings obtained over a period of two weeks show that the North has a massive share of the roughly 1,300 Nigerians currently undergoing cadet training at two different camps of the secret police in Lagos and Bauchi.

Of the total 628 cadet trainees who had resumed at the Bauchi facility as of September 23, 535 identified themselves as trainees joining the service from either the Northeast or the Northwest. Only 93 were from either the Southeast, South-South, Southwest or North-Central, according to recruitment filings sighted by the Gazette.

The Gazette’s findings also show that at least 71 of those currently undergoing cadet training hail from Bichi Local Government Area, Kano State — the director-general’s home local government area. Officials said the number was more, but the Gazette could not independently confirm the higher figures — as well as a slew of other disturbing allegations of bigotry against Mr. Bichi — prior to this publication.

The list of candidates was not compiled by state, but officials believe a state-by-state breakdown would exist at the headquarters in Abuja.

In Lagos, the Gazette was unable to obtain official attendance records of trainees at the camp in Ojo, but multiple participants, including senior officials, said Mr. Bichi disregarded the federal character concept and skewed the process for Nigerians from the North.

A top official estimated 708 trainees were at the Lagos training facility as of September 26. Officials were unsure how many people were taken as cadet trainees in total because some were still arriving three weeks into the six-month exercise.

Senior intelligence officials said even though the sectional disparity mirrors Nigeria’s reality under President Muhammadu Buhari, they are, nonetheless, worried that the development could potentially tip the ethnic and religious balance of national security in favour of a section of the country for decades.

“Some of us are worried less about the audacity of focusing on one part of the country to bring in new cadets than we are about its long-term implications,” a senior SSS official told the Gazette via a secure video channel last week. “We know he might find it difficult, but the DG would leave a better legacy if he sees himself first as a Nigerian.”

All SSS officials who provided documents and inside information about Mr. Bichi’s sectional recruitment drive did so under strict anonymity, citing grave personal and career risks. The Gazette agreed not to name them in line with its editorial policy on anonymous sources.

Man and moment meet

In July, the Yellow House sent out a memo to all state and FCT commands, informing them that Mr. Bichi had ordered a fresh round of recruitment for the agency’s next generation of intelligence officers.

Mr. Bichi directed that each state command should conduct a rigorous selection process and forward four successful candidates to the headquarters for possible admission into the service. The DG also imposed strict entry guidelines for every potential recruit, according to the July 6 memo obtained by the Gazette.

The directive also cancelled a 2018 recruitment process that was underway at the time, but said those who were successful in that process may join the fresh exercise.

Mr. Bichi emphasised that the four candidates for each state must be below 30 years of age and be selected across the three senatorial districts that make up a state.

The Gazette confirmed that all commands complied with the directive, conducted a thorough selection of four candidates and sent the results to the headquarters.

But shortly after the candidates were cleared and sent to the headquarters before the July 15 deadline contained in the memo, Mr. Bichi seized the moment and initiated a recruitment process of his own, the Gazette learnt.

On September 1, Mr. Bichi told a few officials at the Yellow House to call people from a prepared list and offer them a role at the SSS. Those who were called were immediately asked to go to the Lagos or Bauchi training school, officials said.

Starting September 8, cadet candidates reported for training in Lagos and Bauchi, in some cases without the awareness of the director of state security in the state they applied from, documents and officials said.

“I just heard that some people from the state where I work, including some who did not make the cut for the four candidates we selected and passed to the headquarters, had reported to the training school either in Lagos or Bauchi,” an SSS chief said.

“Based on the four-per-state arrangement, only 148 people should have been employed across 36 states and the FCT,” the SSS chief said. “But we suddenly discovered that training schools in Lagos and Bauchi had over 1,300 between them.”

Mr. Bichi kept the list of those he had been sending to the training school secret, officials said. It was unclear how many people he intended to recruit, but they kept showing up.

Resume now, train later

Mr. Bichi has kept the process largely to himself, making it difficult for insiders to access his list or the criteria with which he was selecting cadet candidates, officials said.

For a long time, the SSS did not admit candidates who had a third-class university degree or lower into the service. Only those who did well in university and polytechnic were admitted as a security intelligence officer (level two), equivalent to an assistant superintendent of police.

In recent years, however, the service has been admitting candidates who graduated with a third-class, but it has been placing them on a rank below that of a security intelligence officer, officials said.

In Bauchi, some of the candidates were asked not to bother checking in for training at all, the Gazette learnt.

In at least one case, a candidate was asked not to go to Bauchi for training, but to resume directly at the SSS state command in Kano, the Gazette learnt.

A female third-class graduate resumed at the Kano State field office of the secret police on September 22 without undergoing training. Her employment letter said she should resume immediately as a cadet officer but go for a basic course training in 2021.

The Gazette’s findings show that the woman is also from Bichi Local Government Area. Her identity was redacted based on legal considerations.

In Lagos, the 708 candidates undergoing training are so many that some lecture halls have been converted to hostels, the Gazette learnt. The facility was not sufficiently equipped to take in as many trainees at once, officials said.

Catching up

Mr. Bichi’s regional recruitment agenda came three years after his predecessor implemented a similar hiring process that failed to reflect Nigeria’s diversity.

In 2017, Premium Times revealed how the 479 cadet officers that were commissioned from the 2016 recruitment exercise were substantially from the North. Lawal Daura was in charge of the SSS at the time.

The SSS did not respond to the report because it had no substantive spokesperson at the time. But a spokesman for Mr. Buhari justified the lopsided hiring as a deliberate measure to correct an existing regional imbalance in the service.

Although the administration’s statement at the time was widely ridiculed as false, officials told the Gazette it is largely true that the SSS has more officers from the southern parts of the country.

Mr. Daura’s lopsided recruitment was never rescinded, although Nigeria is roughly split by population and religion between arid North and tropical South.

“It is true that there are more southerners in the service,” an official said. “But that is partly because more southerners were enlisting when the service was using stringent criteria.”

Since Mr. Buhari assumed office, however, more Nigerians from the North have been employed into the service, and officials said would soon outnumber southerners among the staff. Mr. Bichi has conveniently seized the general atmosphere of the administration to implement his own vision.

“At this rate, all we need is a short time,” the official said. “No one in service is really against having more officers from the North, but it has to be based on merit and equity.”

Officials also said Mr. Bichi, Mr. Daura’s long-time associate, was determined to take in as many people as he could before the country’s central government returned to southern control.

“He is determined to put many northerners in the system so they can be quickly regularised and firmly ingrained in the system before a southern president takes over,” an official said. “They will quickly become line managers and ready to take commanding roles anywhere they are posted to serve.”

“Those of us in national security practice know that Nigeria is controlled by the SSS and the Nigerian Army,” the official said. “It might sound controversial and it might change in future, but it is the reality today.”

‘One Nigeria’

The SSS declined multiple requests for comments from the Gazette for this story. Its spokesman, Peter Afunanya, repeatedly promised but failed to get back after seeing messages from our reporters.

Lopsided hirings were reported against previous administrations, but Nigerians are getting increasingly alarmed by how brazen and widespread they have become under Mr. Buhari.

Despite apparent imbalance in his appointments, Mr. Buhari has vigorously rejected criticism of a sectional agenda, often finding enough anecdotal evidence to advance his own narrative.

Officials said Nigeria’s overall interest would have been better served had Mr. Bichi allowed its diversity to guide his hiring policies.

The country will celebrate 60 years as an independent and united entity on October 1, and the administration has already unfurled a new emblem for the occasion.

An apparent reluctance of the political elite to rein in a tendency of bigotry amongst Mr. Buhari’s top aides has deepened fissures across ethnic and faith lines, said public affairs analyst Liborous Oshoma.

“It is quite shameful and unfortunate that Nigerians who were known to be vociferous are now quiet, leaving the ruling government to continue its divisive tactics unchecked,” Mr. Oshoma said. “We have now become so docile in the face of glaring inequality and nepotistic practices.”

Mr. Oshoma, a Lagos-based legal practitioner, said everyday Nigerians are not inherently bigoted, but many still take their cue from selfish political figures.

“Those who are oppressing us are fewer than those of us being oppressed,” Mr. Oshoma said. “Our leaders should be uniting us on the basis of equity, justice and fairness, rather than creating division and fanning the embers of discord.”

BREAKING: Ekiti State Assembly Upgrades College Of Education To Varsity

 By Creeks News

A bill seeking to upgrade the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti to a full- fledged University of Education, Science and Technology has been passed by Ekiti Assembly.

The House, at its plenary on Tuesday presided over by Speaker Funminiyi Afuye, unanimously passed the bill into law following a holistic consideration of the report of its committee on Education, Science and Technology.

While presenting the report, the Committee Chairman Hon. Kemi Balogun said the upgrade of the institution to a university would stimulate the economy’s need for requisite technical and scientific skills.

She added the upgrade would also address demands for technology-oriented tertiary education the state required to function in the overall interest of its citizenry.

According to the report, the Transitional Provision of Section 38 would give room to existing students of the College of Education lkere- Ekiti after effective date of the Law to complete their course of study as stipulated.

The report after been ratified by the Committee of the House was read by the Clerk of the House, Mr Tola Esan and unanimously passed.

The Executive bill was titled:” A Bill for a Law to provide for the Establishment, Incorporation, Constitution, Powers and Functions of the University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti and Other Matters Therewith. ”

Speaker Afuye and member representing Ikere constituency 2 Tunde Idowu, praised Governor Kayode Fayemi and their colleagues for their contributions towards the speedy passage of the bill.

Afuye and Idowu, who hails from Ikere-Ekiti, in Ikere Local Government Area, assured the new University of Education, Science and Technology would bring about social and economic development to Ikere-Ekiti, the state, Nigeria and the world at large.

BREAKING: President Buhari To Submit 2021 Budget Next Week - Senate

By Creeks News

File Photo: President Muhammadu Buhari


President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to submit the 2021 budget to the Senate next week.

Senate President Ahmed Lawan disclosed this while delivering his welcome address to legislators at plenary on Tuesday.

With the new development, the Senate president says the government MDA’s will be given only the month of October to defend their budgets.

While presenting a roadmap to the senate for the next few months, Lawan said the Senate will ensure speedy work on the amendment of the 1999 Constitution and electoral act.

He also read a letter from President Buhari seeking the consideration and passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).

President Buhari had transmitted the letter to the senate three weeks ago when the National Assembly was on recess.

Edo Speaker, 9 Other Duly Inaugurated Assembly Members, Visit, Congratulates Gov. Obaseki

By Creeks News

The Speaker of Edo State House of Assembly (EDHA), Hon. Francis Okiye and nine (9) other duly inaugurated members of the assembly, have congratulated Governor Godwin Obaseki, on his reelection.

The assembly members who visited the governor at Government House, in Benin City, on Monday, included Hon. Emmanuel Agbaje, Hon. Yekini Idiaye and Hon. Nosa Okunbor, who are members of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

According to the speaker, “I am in Government House with the other nine members inaugurated to congratulate Governor Godwin Obaseki on his victory in the just-concluded governorship election in the state.”

He added that “members of the state assembly rejoice and congratulate the governor on his reelection as the assembly remains united. We are here as one indivisible, united family. You can see that 10 of us were inaugurated and we are all here to congratulate the governor and appreciate God for the victory granted the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the last governorship election.”

The majority leader of EDHA, Hon. Henry Okhuarobo noted that at inception, the members of the state assembly inaugurated were 12 in number, before two out of the 12 absconded while 10 remained in the House for over one year and five months, adding that five months to the election, three out of the 10 members pitched tent with the opposition party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) for their own political reasons.

Okhuarobo maintained that there is no faction in the Edo State House of Assembly as the legislators remain one, noting, “As we speak, we are back to the assembly and we remain one. The issue of faction is not there as we remain one house. We have seven members of PDP in the house while three members are of the APC.”

The three APC legislators who joined the PDP assembly members during the visit to the governor are Emmanuel Agbaje, Yekini Idiaye and Nosa Okunbor.

 Honourable members who visited the Governor includes Hon. Yekini Idiaye; Hon. Nosa Okunbor, Hon. Ephraim Aluebhosele; Rt. Hon. Roland Asoro; Hon. Emmanuel Agbaje; Edo State Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon. Comrade Philip Shaibu; Governor Godwin Obaseki; Speaker, Rt. Hon. Francis Okiye; Hon. Sunday Ojiezele; Hon. Henry Okhuarobo; Hon. Marcus Onobun and Hon. Emmanuel Okoduwa, during a congratulatory visit by the ten Edo State House of Assembly members to the governor and his deputy, at Government House in Benin City, on Monday, September 28, 2020.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Ebikeme Abanre Congratulates The Newly Sworn In Ward 11 Leadership Caucus Executives

 By Keneware Emmanuel

 Youth leader and Councillorship hopeful in Ward 11 (DESIEC Ward 19) Ogulagha in Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, Comrade Ebikeme Abanre heartily felicitate and congratulates the newly sworn in Executives of the Ward 11 Leadership Caucus.

Abanre make this known in Warri via a press briefing while speaking to  Creeks News Correspondent.

 Abanre averred that the ushering of a new crop of leaders in the Ward is a testament to the Peoples Democratic Party PDP's  drive to new and innovative ideas.

 He however, congratulated the new chairman Amb. (Chief) Evans Etimigba JP  and his Vice, Hon. Godspower Akiefa. Says they are men of integrity and main repute that will move the party to its usual winning ways in the ward.

  He also extend his hand of felicitation to the immediate past chairman, Amb. Francis Boumiebi JP, SSA to the Governor on Political matters for his indefatigable leadership  role in his dispensation and for moving the party to an enviable height.

  He also thank the member representing Burutu Federal Constituency, Rt. Hon. Julius G. Pondi for his robust leadership role and for gracing the inaugural meeting/sworing-in and Amb. Shedrack Agediga, ED PRS DESOPADEC, for his warmth embrace and leadership acumen in the ward.


Other members of the new executive that was congratulated is Mr. Oluku Humphrey and Hon. Amu Itoto who is Secretary and Assistant Secretary respectively.

BREAKING: Ex Gov. Uduaghan Officially Return To PDP, Obtain Membership Card

By Creeks News

The immediate past governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, has officially defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Uduaghan rejoined the PDP at his Unit 1, Ward 6, Abigborodo in Warri North local government area of the state on Monday.

The former governor arrived the venue of the ceremony with thousands of supporters at about 11:40am.

The former governor was accompanied to the defection ground by the member representing Warri Federal Constituency, Chief Thomas Ereyitomi and the PDP Deputy chairman (Delta South), Mr. Val Aroyinka

This is a developing story, details soon

Gbenekama @57: You're A Definition Of Cultural Nationalism, A Vocal Voice From The Creeks

By Creeks News

  High Chief Godspower Gbenekama JP is no doubt a definition and redefinition of cultural nationalism in this era of military bombardment and ijaw oppression.

The Fiyewei (Chief Speaker) of Gbaramatu Kingdom is no doubt the bold, courageous and intrepid tiger that live in the waters and creeks to resist oppression, suppression and victimization of his people against the Nigerian trojan horses.

 High Chief Gbenekama JP is a reincarnation of Chief Harold Dappa Biriye and Major Jasper Adaka Boro who spoke and made their voices heard in the speaking space.

Today, the name Godspower Gbenekama has became a talk and tango of every tongue, has he as created a speaking space for himself and his people. 

At your 57 birthday anniversary, it is a time for your voice not to be weak but to increase more voluminously. 

You're a beacon of hope. A world leader, trailblazer and an embodiment of fearlessness.

On this day of your birth, I join the entire universe to celebrate you, wish you well in all ramifications and back you strongly to continue to be the golden voice that speaks to the hearing of the world from the creeks.

God bless your new age and keep soaring higher in the voyage of life sir.

I am Comr. Keneware Emmanuel

Niger Delta Activist Writes From Ogulagha

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Strike: FG Meets NLC Leaders 7pm Today

By Creeks News


In a move to prevent Monday’s planned strike by the Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), the Federal Government has scheduled a meeting with the leadership of Organised Labour for 7pm on Sunday.

The meeting was earlier adjourned to Monday at 3pm following the inability of the Federal Government to reach an agreement with Labour on fuel and electricity tariff hikes.

Deputy Director, Press and Public Relations, Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, Charles Akpan, confirmed the meeting in a text message.

The meeting will hold at the Old Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja by 7pm.

The message reads: “The Honorable Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige will be meeting with the Organized Labour.

“The meeting earlier scheduled for Monday 28th September 2020 is now scheduled as follows:

“Date: Today, Sunday, 27th September 2020

Venue: Banquet Hall, Presidential Villa.

Time: 7pm.”

Friday, September 25, 2020

APC National Caretaker Committee Nullify The Suspension Of Gov. Kayode Fayemi.

By Creeks News

The attention of the National Secretariat of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been drawn to a purported and widely-reported "suspension" of the Governor of Ekiti State, H.E. Kayode Fayemi as well as an earlier reported "indefinite suspension" of some other party members in the state.

The actions are a nullity as the Party's National Secretariat is yet to receive communication from the state chapter on the purported "suspensions". We strongly advise all members to adhere to our Party constitution.

Governor Kayode Fayemi remains the leader of the party in Ekiti State.

In line with the mandate of the Governor Mai Mala Buni-led APC Caretaker/Extra-Ordinary National Convention Planning Committee and the President's admonition to party members to ensure and support ongoing amicable and rancour-free settlement of internal party disputes, we call on our esteemed party members and leaders in Ekiti State to be duly guided.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Architect Paul Omotosho-chaired APC Ekiti State Working Committee is the authentic, valid and duly recognised Executive as no factions or divisions exist in the State Chapter.


Yekini Nabena

Deputy National Publicity Secretary 

All Progressives Congress (APC)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Oshiomole And Tinubu Will Destroy Our Democray - Obaseki

  By Creeks News

The Governor of Edo State, Godwin Obaseki said that Oshiomhole and Bola Tinubu will destroy Nigeria democracy as long as they are still rolling themselves as godfathers.

Obaseki said this while speaking at Arise TV on Tuesday. He stressed that Oshiomhole and Tinubu do not change way, they are very big threat to our country’s democracy.

In his word, he said;

“The challenge with people like Oshiomhole and Ahmed Tinubu is that if they do not accept and change their style and attitude, they pose a big danger to our democracy because they are extra-constitutional players,” Obaseki said.

“They constituted themselves into what they say they are without any constitutional responsibilities and try to overlord themselves over people who have constitutional authority and if we allow them to continue it will destroy our democracy,” he said.



Friday, September 11, 2020

Buhari Govt To Pay Nigerians, Business Owners N50,000 And N30,000 Respectively

By CreeksNews

Tola Johnson, the Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Micro Small and Medium and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs), says 100,000 small businesses will get N50,000 each.

NAN reports that the gesture is part of COVID-19 economic stimulus.

The presidential aide made the announcement at the inauguration of the Implementation of Survival Fund and Guaranteed Off-Take Stimulus Schemes for MSMEs on Thursday in Abuja.

Johnson, the Project Coordinator, said that the schemes were part of the Economic Sustainability Plan drafted by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo-led committee and approved by President Muhammadu Buhari.

“The Payroll Support targets 100,000 businesses. However, the number of individuals who will benefit from this is 500,000. What the government has done is to say that there a lot of MSMEs that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.

“Afterward, there is a CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission) free registration; it is free for the MSMEs but the government is paying the CAC for this. What the government has done is to say to the CAC, you do this regularly to the MSMEs at about N12,000 or thereabout; give it to us at half price, we will give it to the MSMEs free.’’

Johnson added that under the National MSMEs Clinic, Osinbajo and the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment went to no fewer than 26 states.

He said it was discovered that very creative businesses were not registered.

“They will tell you they don’t have N10,000 to N12,000 to register their businesses. The government had promised that at some point, we will do and I think the opportunity has come now; the opportunity cannot be better than now.’’

The official also announced that under the Survival Fund, the last strap would be the Transport and Artisans Support.

At least 333,000 beneficiaries will get a one-off N30,000 grant, Johnson said.

He added that the government will work with associations, individuals and the Ministry of Transportation to implement the scheme.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

NDDC IMC Official Escape Death By Gunmen After Church Service

By CreeksNews

A member of the Interim Management Committee (IMC) of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Caroline Nagbo, has narrowly escaped assassination  in Port Harcourt, the  Rivers State capital.

It was gathered that gunmen suspected to be assassins trailed Nagbo while she was returning from a church service at Ozuoba in Obio-Akpo Local Government Area on Tuesday morning.

Nagbo, who confirmed the incident through his Special Assistant, Technical and Youth Matters, Sogbeye Eli, said the operation to kill her was aborted by the police and the Department of Security Service (DSS), which reacted swiftly following distress calls.

Nagbo, who expressed shock over the development thanked God for her protection and commended the gallantry of the security officials.

She showered praises on the Commissioner of Police, Rivers State Command; the Director, State Security Services, Rivers State Command and Head of Security at the NDDC, Mr. Tonye Frank Oputu, saying their professionalism and timely intervention saved her life.

Nagbo also thanked her colleague in the Interim Management Committee and Acting Executive Director, Finance and Administration, Mr. Effiong Akwa, for his prompt response to the rescue effort.

She called on the Commissioner of Police and other security agencies operating in the state to intensify efforts in tracking down persons after her life.

She said that criminal elements terrorizing the state must be flushed out to secure the lives of law-abiding citizens and stop scaring investors in the petroleum and gas resource-rich state.

The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) condemned the attack on Nagbo and called on security agencies to investigate the incident.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

I Will Break The Jinx Of Marginalizing Abraka Political Bloc If Made The Chairman Of Ethiope East - Jessa

Creeks News

WARRI ...................................  Chief Ambassador Harrison Jessa  one of the foremost aspirants  for the Chairmanship of Ethiope East LGA   has stressed that  he wants to become the Chairman of the LGA  on the platform of the People's Democratic Party  PDP   to break the jinx of what he called  the perennial  marginalization of the  Abraka political   bloc or axis by the Agbon People in the political calculous and power equation of Ethiope East.

Ambassador Harrison Jessa who  stated this during a press conference held  at Abraka on Tuesday 

September 1st 2020  declared  that  his coming  into the race  for the Ethiope East Chairmanship on the platform of PDP is  a vision found on the Premise of  equity , justice and fairness   for the Abraka people who have long been relegated to the second fiddle role in Ethiope East politics.  

Chief Ambassador Harrison Jessa asserted  during the media parley  that the Agbon Axis of Ethiope East    which  have   held on  to power  for so long by taking all the  available elective posts  in the LGA , particularly the Council Chairman, the State House of  Assembly and even the House of Representatives slot any  time  it is the turn of Ethiope East to Produce a candidate leaving the Abraka political bloc to make do with the slot of  party Chairman position , and appointments of Special Assistants who have no enough polical influence to attract the much needed  development to our area. 

He explained that even  though the  Abraka  axis have more  voting strength due to higher population and considering the fact that democracy is a game of numbers , the PDP  have  not for once considered  it necessary to field someone from our political bloc.

He added saying :  " l am using  this medium to also draw the attention of the leaders of our great party , particularly His Excellency , Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa  , the governor of Delta State to  look into this   skewed arrangement of  power sharing formular in Ethiope East  which have  perpetually produced  only   the Agbon  people in office to give the Abraka political bloc the chance to produce the LGA Chairman  for justice to prevail. "

When asked if the leaders of the the PDP  in Abraka supports  his alleged  statement  over their political neglect ,Ambassador Jessa said :  " our people are all abreast with the issue , the marginalisation of the Abraka axis is an open wound only a true conscience can heal it, stressing that by His  grace, God will use him to correct that abnormality to enthrone an all inclusive government  in Ethiope East  where everybody are equal stakeholders  and partners in progress . "

 Jessa, the Chairmanship  hopefull  told newsmen during the interactive session  that he is convinced that  God will  actualize his  aspiration for the position of 

Chairman Ethiope East  because the Almighty  affirmed in the holy writhe that He is the God of    Justice

. While  describing himself as a man who has built bridges across the Agbon Axis of Ethiope East , Ambassador Jessa appealed to  the People of Ethiope East to support his candidacy which is hinged on the  Simple SMART Agenda , standing for Sound Education , Maximum Peace and  Security ,  Adequate Job Opportunify throuh an Aggressive Agricultural revolution,  Rapid Infrastructural Development and Transformed Health Care System. 

Ambassador Jessa remarked in his statement that   he has travelled  to see what is happening out side Ethiope East and come to understand that Ethiope East is backward and very much in need of a credible leader like him who can make the people truly happy by  providing the dividends of democracy at the third tier of government unfettered. 

He observed that:  " There   is leadership gap in Ethiope East because people in government from what we  can see clearly can do better and they  should work first  for the general interest of all , instead of priotising their individual pursuits  and interest of  proxies ,  the major reason they fail to meet the demands of the populace. "

Jessa who further emphasised the need to fastrack the development of Ethiope East said  :  " To be honest, we are not having the best of time,  in Abraka here ,electricity supply is in a sorry state, if I  am elected Chairman, I will liaise with  relevant government agencies to improve on electricity,  better road network,  strenthen security architecture  through Community policing under effective  supervision by the Nigerian  police , to make the people feel more the positive impact of government. "

Giving  specific example Jessa pointed out saying : " Take a look at Abraka Which is a University  town or Community , even you as a journalist can attest to it that  there is still much that can be done to make things better using the instruments of the  office of the Council Chairman , that is one reason I seek to be elected. I will have a liaison officer who will work closely with the vice Chancellor in  a very cordial synergy to uplift the status of Abraka to a Smart City 

He  Promised  that  allocation to the LGA under his watch as Chairman if given the opportunity to serve   would be judiciously channelled to  the fundamental  essentials  of qualitative education, women and youths empowerment, Construction of modern markets, hospitals maintenance and employment as encapsulated in the Simple SMART Agenda. 

Jessa also informed gentle men of the press that he will use the instruments of his good office if elected chairman Ethiope East to

promote agriculture by liaising with  the world bank through the Federal government , the bank of 

Agriculture and other relevant agencies  like the African Development Bank to ensure that he  kick start an  "Agricultural  Revolution" in Ethiope East  as he earlier mentioned  to showcase the  agrarian potential of  LGA .

While Speaking exclusively  on security he said  : " Security of life and properties  will be my primary focus because only those who are alife can think of dividends of democracy. This will be closely followed by peace , which is also an essential ingredient or parameter needed for development to thrive. 

Jessa ,  the Chairmanship hopeful  pointed out that, since many youths are prone to commiting  crimes when they have nothing doing, he will  carry them along to keep them busy and productive thereby contributing their quota to the building of their father land. 

In answer to a question of how he hope to carry everyone  along he said  : " If elected as chairman , I will unite all members of the party irrespective of the political bloc they belong and the rule of the game will be justice ,equity and fairness which is  the plank on which my candidacy is anchored.

When asked to paraphraise his assessment or  take on the performance of the  Okowa government ,Ambassador Jessa said : " My candid assessment of Governor Okowa is that he is doing his best and he cannot do all at the same time. "

Continuing , he remarked in his statetement thus :  " Okowa has demonstrated quality leadership as a detribalized administrator, his impact is felt positively across the   three senatorial zones.