Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Creek News
Wed 27th 2019.

Member Representing the good people of Burutu federal constituency RT. HON JULIUS G PONDI, Thank the good people of Burutu federal constituency for returning him back to the house of representatives for the second term.

In a statement sent to creek news, and published on social media platforms.


Let me start by returning all the glory to the Almighty God who in His infinite mercy favoured  me to be chosen by all of you to return to the Green Chamber to continue to drive the interest of  Burutu people in the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I am indeed humbled by your benevolence.

Please, grant me the indulgence to wholeheartedly thank the thousands of Burutu Federal Constituents who turned out to vote and  re-elect me and all other candidates of our party, the People’s Democratic Party. We appreciate you all, and we shall always do.

My sincere gratitude also goes to the collective leadership of the People’s Democratic Party in Burutu Federal Constituency, who dedicated their time and resources in ensuring that they won their various wards for our dear party, the People’s Democratic Party.

In particular, I would like to thank the  Burutu Local Government Campaign Council, ably led by Wing Commander P. Y Biakpara (rtd), co-ordinated by Chief Julius Takeme, fantastically  scribed by Hon. Godknows Angele, alongside Mr. Ebike Oromoni and all ward chairmen and ward campaign council Co-ordinators for their very commendable  efforts towards ensuring that I remain the only preferred choice of the people of Burutu Federal Constituency.

My deep thanks also go to members of the Julius Pondi Media team, members of the Pondified Ambassadors, the Unstoppable Force, Delta Ijaw Youths Movement, volunteers and other support groups that stood by me throughout the campaigns and subsequently, the elections.

Let me thank members of the Julius Pondi Campaign Organization ably led by Hon. Togoland Oruebi, and members of the Advisory/Elders council under the leadership of Elder Victor Awisi for their unwavering believe in my abilities. They stood  by me through thick and thin to ensure that we achieved our collective goal of returning me to the National Assembly. Clearly, I can not thank you enough.
That I have been returned to represent the good people of Burutu Federal Constituency in the National Assembly with a clear difference in the polls, to me, is an assurance that my efforts are acknowledged and appreciated by my constituents. Therefore, by your fresh endorsement and mandate, you have asked me to go and work more to lift Burutu to greater heights at the National level. The responsibility thrust on me is enormous and I want to assure everyone that I shall continue to concentrate my efforts on ways and means on improving on the delivery of more dividends of democracy  to our constituency.

Let me assure you, my dear constituents that I shall not relent in my passion to continuously serve and protect the best interest of our people in the Green Chambers of the National Assembly for the next four years.

In conclusion, I am graciously indebted to my adorable wife, and my children for their understanding and support. My uncle and brothers for their immeasurable assistance. They provided me  their moral and other required resources including valuable time in achieving this new mandate of our beloved people.

Thank you all, and may God bless Burutu Federal Constituency.


Rt. Hon. Julius G. Pondi MHR
Member Representing Burutu Fed. Constituency"

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