Wednesday, May 15, 2019


IYC Scribe Western Zone( Delta, Edo & Ondo States)  -- Com. Doubra Collins Okotete -- Stresses on unity in IYC,  charges Ijaw Youths, Elders, Traditional rulers, Ijaw politicians & Ijaw Nation in general to retreat,  reflect on the gains and looses so far as we journey along in the quest for a more developed ijaw nation.

The Secretary IYC Western Zone Com. Doubra Collins Okotete has again  reemphasise the need for ijaw nation to reflect on the gains and looses of our Hero Major Jasper Isaac Adaka Boro's struggle for resource control and development of the Niger Delta Region.This  call is aimed at reawakening the spirit that dwells in the heart and soul of every ijaw son and daughter.

Our hero Major Boro lives in us. As youths, we are the light of ijaw nation and he urges all ijaw youths to hold strong and keep reechoing the ideals and vision of the founding fathers upon which the Kaiama Declaration was made. It's our duty as ijaw youths to uphold, protect and keep alive the struggle for a more developed ijaw nation.

Our political leaders must realise that they have a  major role to play in the development of ijaw nation. Therefore, the basic amenities such as pipeborne water, good health facilities, education, roads,infrastructure and  human capital development  should be made available and accessible to our people. With all our God given natural resources, Our people are still very poor and lacks the basic amenities of life. Life expectancy has dropped due to the negative effect of gas flaring and pollutions across all the oil rich ijaw communities in Niger Delta. He further urges government  and giant oil multinationals to play by the rules by ensuring that our communities are safe for us to live in and encourages both government and oil companies operating within our region to ensure fulfilment of thier cooperate social responsibilities as our communities are faced with serious oppressions  and underdevolpement.

It's high time ijaw leaders who are privileged to be blessed by God and those holding political offices especially offices created to develope the ijaw and niger delta region invest in ijaw youths and sees the ijaw nation as the reason for thier placement. Frown at leaders who enjoys the proceeds from ijaw nation but turned thier backs against activities that will better the lifes of our people.Warns that Ijaw Youths will soon visit them and if need be ensure thier removal through any means necessary. And commends individuals who voluntarily finds joy in supporting and promoting  activities of IYC.

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