Sunday, February 23, 2020



Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta State, is set to celebrate one of their aged-long traditions.
Heralding the coming festival, the Toibenemowei of Gbaramatu kingdom, Chief Joel Gbanale disclosed to creek news  that the event would hold on Friday March 27, elapsing on Friday, April 3.
The event is annually celebrated for seven days. One of its merits is that, the natives said, it helps to cleanse the land and purify Ijaw sons and daughters.
The venue for the event is expected to be at the Pere Palace Pavilion in Oporoza Town, Gbaramatu Kingdom. During the festivity, each day would be expected to have different interesting activities. 
From past festivals, it was noted that it features cultural dance and different masquerades. The festival is the dreaded Amaseikumor. 
The revered Amaseikumor, according to those who know better, implies good living, peace, unity, prosperity and protection to the people of the communities in Gbaramatu. 
Amaseikumor is an ancient deity usually celebrated by the entire Gbaramatu communities in accordance with laid down rules and regulations, associated with it. 
The Amaseikumor is a combination of several masquerades from different communities in the kingdom; each of the communities is given opportunity to display skills of her masquerade. 
It was gathered that after the celebration, people are protected from premature death, accident, ill-health and strange diseases, etc. It is a standpoint and a symbol of unity that offer the entire people of Gbaramatu the opportunity to gather and unite as one during and after the festival.

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