Saturday, July 4, 2020

Austin Tukorogha: A Silent Achiever With Noiseless But Gigantic Impact To Humanity

     Society is replete with people of different philosophy, psychology and individualism. It harps on the good, bad and the ugly. And chronicles on the Loquacious Achiever, Psychophant Achiever and Silent Achiever.
     The Loquacious Achievers are those who always talk lousily about their achievement. They always want the entire public to know about every of their achievement. While the Psychophant Achiever is the one that vainglorious on what he wasn't done as his achievement just to earn inglorious public respect.
 The Silent Achiever on the other hand, is the one who doesn't talk about his achievement, but patiently wait for the public to discover by themselves. They don't talk loquaciously or vaingloriously on what they've done like the loquacious and Psychophant Achievers.

   However, Comr. Austin Tukorogha, a very vibrant, young, energetic, superlatively optimistic and sagacious personality is no doubt  one individual that has earn public trust and respect. A Silent Achiever with a coat of many colours. A philanthropist par excellence impeded with spiritual and moral glory.

  Austin Tukorogha is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from the reputable Institute of Management and Technology Enugu. But In an attempt to fill his academic lacuna and career pursuit, he went further for another bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

    NAOCS Honours Comr. Austin Tukorogha

  Imbued with the blood of humanism and philanthropism, his humanitarian deeds to humanity surpasses human imagination as he gives willfully to anyone in need that crosses his path.
  In fact, during the nationwide total lockdown because of the global pandemic of coronavirus, when individuals and families were being ravaged by hunger, Austin Tukorogha single handedly empowered and gave palliatives to over (50) fifty persons with cash gifts from his little pocket.
This great feat in itself speaks well of his person and its highly lauded. His passion and support for humanity, the needy, the aged and students unionism among many others earn him a prestigious award recently from the National Association of Ogulagha Clan Students, NAOCS.

  On his disposition of leadership charisma, Comr. Austin Tukorogha has showcased and displayed capacity, dignity, transparency, self-respect, superb and excellent sagacity. He has served as the Secretary General Ogulagha Youth Association and a one time Presidential aspirant in the same association.
 As a result of the public trust bestowed on him, he was given the mandate to construct a 300 meter internal road,  first of its kind in Ogulagha community. A project he marvelously, judiciously, bravodously and meticulously executed with many accolades, applauses and encomiums decorated on its feathers.

   Spiritually, his love for God and His Kingdom coupled with his moral uprightness is no doubt visible as he was once appointed as a member of the Deacon Board at Assemblies of God Church. Where he faithfully and devotedly worship God.

 Frankly, this young lad deserves to be lauded and openly celebrated. Though his unassuming posture of simplicity and humility has made many not to recognised his countless contributions to humanity. I am hereby seizing this moment to shower encomiums and celebrate this young enigma, rolemodel and epitome servanthood worthy of emulation for his vast contributions to humanity home and abroad.

Comr. Keneware Emmanuel Writes..........

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