Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Creeks News Media Felicitate With Engr. Felix Braboke On His Birth Anniversary

                 Engr. Felix Braboke

   The entire management and staff of Creeks News Media Centre heartily felicitate and celebrate Engr. Felix Braboke, P.A to the Executive Director of Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC on his birth anniversary.

 Engr. Felix Braboke is a one time President of the National Association Of Ogulagha Clan Students, NAOCS, a former Chairmanship aspirant of Burutu Local Government.
And has also held various leadership and academic position cum awards. 
  Just recently to add to his colour, the National Association Of Ogulagha Clan Students honour him with an award of excellence.

  Sir, we celebrate with you on this your unique, memorable and historic day. And we wish you sound health and vitality, divine wisdom to excel, longevity and prosperity roundabout. 

 Once again, Happy Super Birthday Sir.

From All Of Us At Creeks News Media

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