Saturday, March 7, 2020

*APC NWC Disowns Deputy National Secretary Over NEC Meeting~~ Creeks News

APC NWC Disowns Deputy National Secretary Over NEC Meeting*

- *Describes his actions as mischievous*

The attention of the National Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been drawn to a purported invitation to an Emergency National Executive Committee meeting of our great Party slated for Wednesday, 17th March, 2020, which invitation is credited to Hon. (Chief) Victor Giadom, the Deputy National Secretary of the Party.

The Party’s constitution provides that a National Executive Committee meeting shall be convoked as follows:

Article 25 (B) (i) and (ii)

The National Executive Committee shall meet every quarter and or at any time decided by the National Chairman or at the request made in writing by at least two-third of the members of the National Executive Committee provided that not less that fourteen (14) days notice is given for the meeting to be summoned.

Without prejudice to Article 25(B)(i) of this Constitution the National Working Committee may summon an Emergency National Executive Committee meeting at any time, provided that at least seven (7) days notice of the meeting shall be given to all those entitled to attend.

Neither the National Chairman nor the resolution of two thirds of members of the National Executive Committee has directed nor made any request to summon a National Executive Committee Meeting of the Party.

The said Victor Giadom is not vested with any Constitutional Powers to convene any Meeting of the National Executive Committee. Neither has he been so directed by the National Chairman.

The National Working Committee therefore disassociates itself from the said illegal and unauthorized Notice of Meeting of the National Executive Committee.

Members of the National Executive Committee and the totality of the members of our great Party are therefore requested to ignore the said Notice and/or invitation as a product of mischief that should not be given any probative value.

The National Working Committee (NWC) shall continue to protect our Constitution and convene its meetings and the National Executive Committee Meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Party Constitution.


Babatunde Ogala Esq
National  Legal Adviser

Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu
National Publicity Secretary

Arc. Waziri Bulama
National Secretary"

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