Friday, March 20, 2020


 ~~The Fact, Fiction and Fantasy.

    There is no gainsaying that the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, is  factionalized and its being run and manned by two Presidents. First in the history of the Council since its inception in 1998 during the Kaiama declaration.

  Without giving much credence to history, the IYC National President Zoned to the Western Zone witness the emergence of Barr. Eric Omare at a convention held in Burutu, Delta State, historic Island of no regret. However, this was Short lived by a parallel convention held in Okrika, Rivers State, that led to the emergence of Barr. Pereotubo Oweilaemi. For the first time, Council was factionalized, hinged with bitterness, hatred and tussle for supremacy as supporters drum beat for their various principals.

  However, Barr. Pereotubo Oweilaemi witness a major boost has the then Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Seriake Dickson and Ijaw National Leader, Chief Edwin Clark throw weight behind him, proclaiming him as the authentic President of the Council.

 From that time IYC's voice has always come in pair of countering one another's press statement.
The Council has being in a state of comatose and lingering political impasse rock with rancour and malice.

 Meanwhile, Oweilaemi's faction was fatten as many Ijaw leaders throw weight behind him and give him the needed support and backing unlike Omare's faction that fed meagre.

 In a bid to end the fiasco, the Oporoza Peace Accord was initiated by the General of Command, GOC, High Chief Government Ekpomupolo (the Doumiwei of Izon-ebe) and other prominent Ijaw leaders to put a stop to the crisis and give peace a chance. The two factions bow to the initiative for a peaceful and unity convention to transit power to the incoming administration whose Presidency is zone to the East.

 While waiting and working tirelessly for a peaceful unity transition and electioneering process, the leadership crisis which was already before a High Court from time immemorial, declared Barr. Eric Omare as the authentic 7th elected President of the Ijaw Youth Council. This court verdict spark mixed feelings and reaction as some celebrate it, others kicked against it.

                  Barr. Pereotubo Oweilaemi

 The fact now remains that Barr. Eric Omare is the 7th elected President of council. But the battle for supremacy caught a fresh fire as Barr. Oweilaemi appeal this case in the Court of Appeal.

 The question that weeps for answer is, why the renewed legal battle for supremacy when the tenure has already come to an end?  Why is Barr. Oweilaemi Pereotubo heading to the Court of Appeal when his faction enjoyed the boost, juicy and needed backing in the Council?
 Why is he desperate to be called President when he started and end with the same title?

 Is there anything he (Oweilaemi) will lose in the next few days before the final handover that is making him desperate?

  All these and many more are questions begging for answers. If not one may be persuaded to think that he is a greedy and self-centered leader whose quest and fantasies will outrightly and definitely led to nought.

Let Council glory be restored and let peace take its prime place in the Council.

 Comr. Keneware Emmanuel writes from Ogulagha.

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