Saturday, May 16, 2020

Boro: The Man, The Hero, The Legend.

~~Boro is synonymous with Freedom

                              Isaac Boro

  A lot has being said and written about Major Jasper Isaac Adaka Boro, the man who sacrifice himself for Niger Delta Liberation and freedom.

 However, notwithstanding, a lot still needs to be written about this great hero and legend of freedom struggle. Just like Jesus, Boro wholeheartedly and sacrificially laid down his live for the freedom, liberation and betterment of the Niger Delta Region.

It is note of worth to postulate here that Boro was the first to demand for the Niger Delta Republic on 23rd February 1966, before the Major Odumegu Ojukwu secessionist Biafra Republic which led to a civil war on 6th July, 1967. The Nigeria civil war lasted for 30 months (July 1967 -- January 1970).

  Ojukwu declared the Eastern region as a Sovereign State of Biafra on May 30th, 1967. Before then Isaac Boro has declared the Niger Delta Republic on February 23rd, 1966 during the Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi's regime (which was the first military regime in Nigeria, after the first coup), with his twelve day revolution.

Ironically, hitherto, Every other region accord their heroes with super respect and prestige. Immortalizing them with one great thing or the other. Ijaws and the Niger Delta, are yet to give Isaac Boro the full pious and prestige of a martyr, who suffer martyrdom for the sake of his people.

 All sectionally acclaimed leaders has being immortalized by their people. Some has a university to their name, such as Obafemi Awolowo University, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Odumegu Ojukwu University etc, Boro only has a College Of Education to his name. Which is the Isaac Boro College of Education, Kaiama.

Some legends even as their hometown's has the  host of the state capital.
 Some states even declared public holidays every year to honour their legends.

    Ijaw and Niger Deltans have not done enough to immortalise Boro as the symbol of freedom, liberation and martyrdom. Hence, I postulate that the following should be done to immortalized Boro;

1. Kaiama the hometown of Isaac Boro, be declared the headquarters of Ijaw nation and Niger Delta at large.

2. The Bayelsa Medical University should be renamed as Isaac Boro Medical University. The Niger Delta University and The University of Africa are okay.

3. Every 16th of May should be declared a public holidays in all Niger Delta States to celebrate him. This will make even little children know the value and meaning of that day till they grow up.

4. IYC, INC should make it as a point of duty to fearlessly demand and fight for Boro's dreams to be achieved.


 Boro is the man, the hero and legend of freedom and liberation struggle in the Niger Delta.
 *the name Boro is synonymous with Freedom*

Happy Boro Day!!!

Comr. Keneware Emmanuel, (the Pentiger) writes from Ogulagha Kingdom.


  1. That's the only man that forth for our freedom

  2. Boro; the Hero of all Heroes.
    Adaka Boro lives on .
