Friday, May 22, 2020

Division And Continuous Division In IYC, A Mockery To Boro's Sacrifice ~ Creeks News

      Boro no doubt is the hero of all heroes in the Niger Delta liberation and freedom struggle.
     Boro's active quest against injustice, exploration and exploitation triggered the birth of the Niger Delta Republic. Formed the Niger Delta Volunteers Force mainly of the Ijaw ethnic nationalities, declared the Niger Delta Republic with a flag and an emergency constitution on February 23rd, 1966.

 For 12 days, Boro fearless, valorously and gallantly combat the Federal Government of Nigeria under the military watch and command of Major. Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi (The then Military Head Of State).

                  Major Jasper Isaac Adaka Boro

  Boro and his men fought but were overpowered by the Nigeria military, arrested,  tried for treason and sentenced to death. In the bid to kill Boro, the Nigeria Civil War, which is the brain child of General Odumegu Ojukwu, to secede with the Biafra Republic (mainly of Igbos) broke out on 6th July, 1967.

  It is imperative to note that before Ojukwu, there was Boro.
  Before Biafra Republic, there was Niger Delta Republic.

 Today, Rivers state, Bayelsa state, 13 percent derivation, NDDC, Niger Delta Ministry, Amnesty Programme are all products of genuine struggle led and traceable to Isaac Boro.

On 11 December, 1998, Ijaw youths gathered together at Kaiama, Boro's hometown to advanced the cause of Boro in what is now known as the Famous Kaiama Declaration. This declaration gave birth to the Ijaw Youth Council, IYC.

                   Ijaw Youth Council, IYC

 Hence, IYC was founded, built and established to advance Boro's cause and his sacrifice for freedom to see a liberated Niger Delta.

 Sad to state that the once united and formidable IYC, is now a hot bed of division, factionalisation, rancour, bitterness, strife, disunity and selfishness.

  IYC is now used to promote self interest and for personal gains. It has deviated from its root and founding principles of freedom struggle to self enrichment and aggrandizement.

 The IYC struggle has now being bastardized and criminalize to cartels and cabals. Hence, making mockery of Isaac Boro's Sacrifice for freedom and liberation..

 The current crop of IYC, unlike their founding fathers has flagrantly, callously and blatantly deviate from the root cause, aims and objectives of Boro's struggle cum what the IYC actually stands for.

 It is not enough to celebrate Boro's day every 16th of May sycophantly and pretentiously without being ardent followers of his laid down principles.

 Ijaw youths and Ijaw nation should as a matter of urgency call for unity, enchew bitterness, selfishness, factionalisation and pursue oneness, freedom and self determination.
  Isaac Boro's foot path must be followed to the latter.

Boro sacrifice himself for many more Boro's to exist. We must therefore follow and pursue his cause.


 The next IYC election should be done in a free, fair and credible way.
 We must say no to favouritism, nepotism, greed, selfishness and politics of Godfatherism.

 Let the candidates emerge through the will of the people. So that Boro's blood and sacrifice will not be continually ridicule and satirically mocked.

 52 years after, the memory of Isaac Boro remain fresh for us to pursue his cause to realization. And we must not fail in this struggle. Else posterity will judge and not forgive us.

               Comr Keneware Emmanuel

 Ijaw Nation Arise!!!

 Comr. Keneware Emmanuel (The Pentiger) Writes from Ogulagha Kingdom.

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